Zoha: a Terminal at the Tip of Your Fingers

The terminal is one click away.

I can’t exactly remember but it was probably around 2007, and I was still an Ubuntu user. As a curious install-junkie, wasting my precious ADSL bandwith on random packages from apt repositories, I stumbled upon1 Tilda and damn! It was AMAZING! I assigned the useless unused F1 as a shortcut to Tilda, and behold the magic! F1… A shell appears, F1… it disappears, F1… A shell appears, F1

So the idea is simple: a terminal drops down from top of the screen with a single key stroke.

I think it comes from the Quake game series, but could be older. Tilda is not the only one implementing this behavior; The first one might be Guake, then there’s the modernized version Guake, iTerm2 also does it (although not out of the box, and thanks to MacOS23 it looks ugly in the end), etc. Tilda happened to be the first one I found. It worked much better than others at the time (and still?), so I stick with it. It does have a pull-down animation which makes it look really like hackerman movies, but for me it’s distracting and was set to off.

Back to 2024, the year that everything has to be re-written in Rustâ„¢, as a dutiful internet citizen I took the responsibility and did the re-write4. Twice. An Alacritty + iced is a work in progress too.

Disclaimer: It’s never tried on Windows. MacOS was WIP but never worked out due to a limitation in Gtk.

So my friends, do what must be done! kick those terminal emulators of yours, whatever they are, out. Use a pull-down terminal. It’s a 10000% productivity boost. I don’t care if you install Zoha, Tilda, Guake; just use it. Join us! (and you’ll be addicted soon).

  1. It could also be that I was specifically looking for a pull-down termianl to satisfy my inner hackerman, and naturally looking in the apt repos was the first thing to do. ↩︎

  2. I’m stuck with it at work. Sigh… ↩︎

  3. Just imagine my horror hearing Apple wants to drop Function keys. ↩︎

  4. Shameless plug. I proudly did the initial D-Bus implementation for Tilda as the key-grabber is hacky and finally stopped working on Wayland. Read more in the PR or in the Tilda::Changelog↩︎